DokeV is a new MMO from Pearl Abyss that gets both video and graphics - PUBGTOON


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DokeV is a new MMO from Pearl Abyss that gets both video and graphics

DokeV is a new MMO from Pearl Abyss that gets both video and graphics

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DokeV, New Pearl Abyss MMO Gets Video and Pictures

Pearl Abyss has revealed a new video, images, and more for MMO DokeV.

The official website gives us our first look at the game, which has a bright, colorful aesthetic. Additionally, a singing video for ROCKSTAR from K-pop songwriting has also been provided,

new images and visuals provide us with a better idea of ​​what the world, its characters and creatures will look like in the upcoming DokeV. Here is the announcement.

We got more information about the game itself. DokeV revolves around a wide variety of unique creatures, known as “Dokebi,” that grow and gain power from people's dreams. DokeV is currently aiming to beta test it in 2020.

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