فرصتكم للاستمتاع بتجربة Sekiro بالعربية مع تعريبها الغير رسمي القادم - PUBGTOON


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فرصتكم للاستمتاع بتجربة Sekiro بالعربية مع تعريبها الغير رسمي القادم

فرصتكم للاستمتاع بتجربة Sekiro بالعربية مع تعريبها الغير رسمي القادم

شارك المقالة

Many companies are working to support the Arab region by presenting their games in our mother tongue, including Ubisoft, EA, and others, but even those games that do not receive official support, we see that the Games in Arabic team is working on Arabizing them with their personal efforts and without any official support from the game publisher.
This team previously localized the PC version of Resident Evil 2, and it started working on the Sekiro game recently released by From Software team recently and achieved great success. The team announced today that it has finished translating options, texts and dialogues and is now in the process of the final test of localization before it He can put it up for download to players.
And he posted a 20-minute video clip clearly showing the level of translation for this game, which you can follow below.
We should mention that the Games in Arabic team   was founded on February 12, 2014 by Stephen Saadallah and Sajjad Musa.

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