تسريب بعض مواصفات جهاز Switch المطور بأداء أسرع وتخزين أكبر - PUBGTOON


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تسريب بعض مواصفات جهاز Switch المطور بأداء أسرع وتخزين أكبر

تسريب بعض مواصفات جهاز Switch المطور بأداء أسرع وتخزين أكبر

شارك المقالة
After the Switch Lite was announced, news began to circulate that Nintendo aims to make changes to the current Switch specifications.
Then we learned through the report of  The Verge  that Nintendo submitted a request to the Federal Communications Commission, which is a second-class permit to change technical parts in the Switch without the need to rehabilitate the platform and evaluate it in order to sell it in the United States of America.
Today, a professional looking into the update files,  Mike Heskin  revealed some information that he found in the 5.0 update, which belongs to a switch device other than the Light that will use the Tegra 214 processor, which is better than the Tegra 210 processor used in the current switch.
The graphics processor will also receive improvements that make it provide better performance along with a random memory with a higher capacity of about 8 GB, in addition to providing more storage capacity, and all of this will contribute to the overall performance being more rapid with longer battery life.
Unlike Switch Lite, the new device will have the ability to connect it with the TV with the support of the detachable Air-con hands.

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